Return to Live Trains:

 Show trains at on

[A]Go direct to schedule

Schedule ID number    

[B]Schedules by CIF UID

Only if valid this week.

[C]TRUST Activations by Headcode

Headcode (or pseudo-headcode)
Only this week.

[D]TRUST Activations by Schedule

Schedule ID number
Only this week.

[E]Schedules by headcode

Only if valid this week.

[F]Service performance

Schedule ID number    
Or CIF UID    

[G]All trains at location


[H]Schedules with specific routing

Via location     path     line     platform     and via location     and not via location    
Runs between and
Only passenger trains.     Only 'permanent' trains.     Only 'overlay' trains.     (In the latter two cases, also tick Only passenger trains if required.

Leave any field blank for don't care.

Open Rail real time railway data advanced database queries.

This part of the Open Rail system is experimental, and still under development. Some queries may return incorrect or confusing results. A degree of understanding of the inner workings of the railway systems behind this data (The "CIF" schedule database, and "TRUST".) may be needed to understand the results of some queries.

A schedule ID number is a unique identification number for a schedule in the Open Rail database. When you see one in the results of one of these queries, click on it and you will be returned to this page with the number filled in ready for queries [A], [D] and [F].

A CIF UID is the ID for a schedule in Network Rail's database, it consists of a letter or a space followed by five digits, e.g. Y63320.

Report [F] shows the performance (On time/late/cancelled) of a particular service at the specified location.

Report [G] shows the most recent 250 trains to pass or call at a location. This is aimed at researching the historical useage of a quiet part of the network.

Report [H] shows schedules that meet all the specified paramters. This is aimed at researching the useage of a particular route.

The Open Rail database contains live running data for the past three years and future schedule information up to the limit of Network Rail's published information.

Completed at 25/02/25 01:40:25 by Open Rail Query 5613p at manor. Elapsed time 2 ms.

©2025. Contains Information of Network Rail Infrastructure Limited licensed under the following licence: Click Here.
These pages are provided strictly for non-commercial, non-safety critical purposes; no responsibility is accepted for any inaccurate or out of date information.